Distance Learning Webinar Series from Early Edge CA & Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL)
The mandate to close schools in California and engage in distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the way that Early Learning teachers are able to engage with their students. To support the current needs of our teachers and the young children they work with, Early Edge California is designing a series of webinars to provide new tools for teaching from home.
Hosted by Early Edge California, the webinar series, which is available in English and Spanish, is led by Patricia Montes Pate, Program Coordinator at SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Language) and Ana Marisol Sánchez, Program Specialist at SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Language).
Developing Structures to Support Family Partnerships
Preschool educators are cognizant of the importance of ongoing two-way communication between families and school. Families are our biggest allies and should be seen as partners in the development of their children. In this webinar, participants learn how to structure distance learning family workshops that support strong oral language development at home. It offers a variety of fun and easy strategies that families can easily fold into their home lives.
Presentation Slides: Developing Structures to Support Family Partnerships
Other Materials:
- CA Preschool Programs Guideline 4: Engaging Families and Communities
- Talk, Read, Sing: Tips for Early Childhood Educators
- Head Start: Strengths Based Attitudes & Building Partnerships Tools
- Head Start: Parent, Family, & Community Engagement Framework
- Family Workshop: Observing Pictures Facilitator’s Guide (English & Spanish)
- Family Workshop: Extended Language Interactions Facilitator’s Guide (English & Spanish)
- Family Workshop: Draw & Dictate Facilitator’s Guide (English & Spanish)
- Family Resource: Observing Pictures (English & Spanish)
- Family Resource: Draw & Dictate (English & Spanish)
Desarrollando estructuras para apoyar alianzas con familias
Los educadores de preescolar son conscientes de la importancia de la comunicación bidireccional entre las familias y la escuela. Las familias son nuestros mayores aliados y deben ser vistas como compañeros en el desarrollo de sus hijos. En este seminario web, los participantes aprenderán a estructurar talleres familiares de aprendizaje a distancia que apoyan un fuerte desarrollo del lenguaje oral en el hogar. Ofrecerá una variedad de estrategias divertidas y fáciles que las familias pueden incorporar fácilmente a sus vidas hogareñas.
Seminario Espanol: Desarrollando estructuras para apoyar alianzas con familias
- Guía del programa preescolar de California 4: Hacer participar a las familias y la comunidades
- Head Start: Actitudes basadas en las fortalezas y Formación De Asociaciones
- Head Start: Marco de participación de los padres, las familias, y la comunidad
- Hablen, lean y canten: Consejos para maestros de preescolar
- Family Workshop: Observando Imágenes Facilitator’s Guide (English & Spanish)
- Family Workshop: Interacciones con lenguaje extendido Facilitator’s Guide (English & Spanish)
- Family Workshop: Dibujar y dictar Facilitator’s Guide (English & Spanish)
- Family Resource: Observando Imágenes (English & Spanish)
- Family Resource: Dibujar y dictar (English & Spanish)
Preschool educators recognize that families and caretakers play a critical role in supporting children’s oral language development. Now, more than ever, it is imperative we relay the message to families that using their home language builds a stronger overall language foundation for their children. The more family members engage children in rich, thoughtful conversations, encouraging them to talk and share using their home language, the more fluent children will be in both their home language and in English. This webinar elevates the power of home language by exposing participants to a variety of strategies that empower families to engage in language development with their children at home.
- When Sophie Gets Angry–Really, Really Angry… by Molly Bang
- Alma and How She Got Her Name by Juana Martinez-Neal
- Family Pictures – Cuadros de familia by Carmen Lomas Garza
- Too Many Tamales by Gary Soto
- CDE Sample Family Language & Interest Interview
- Engaging in Family Conversations Menu
- Family Letter on Home Language
- Head Start Planned Language Approach Gathering and Using Language Information That Families Share
- SEAL NASEM Research Brief
- SEAL Q&A on Dual Language Learners in Preschool
- Socio-Emotional Vocabulary List – In English, Spanish, and Vietnamese
- Teaching Pyramid of Emotions in English and Spanish
Empoderar a familias para desarrollar el lenguaje oral durante la vida cotidiana usando la lengua materna
Los educadores preescolares reconocen que las familias y aquellos quienes cuidan a los niños pequeños, juegan un papel sumamente importante en el desarrollo del lenguaje oral de los niños. Ahora, más que nunca, es imperativo que los educadores relacionen el mensaje a las familias de que, el uso de la lengua materna, fomenta una base lingüística general más sólida para sus niños. Entre más involucren a sus niños en conversaciones enriquecidas y reflexivas, animandolos a hablar y compartir, usando su lengua materna, más fluidez tendrán sus niños en ambos su idioma materno y en la lengua inglesa. Este seminario eleva el poder de la lengua materna, al exponer a los participantes a una variedad de estrategias que empoderan a las familias para practicar el desarrollo de lenguaje con sus niños en casa.
- Alma y cómo obtuvo su nombre by Juana Martinez-Neal
- Family Pictures – Cuadros de familia by Carmen Lomas Garza
- Qué montón de tamales by Gary Soto
- Youtube Video: Cuando Sofía se enoja, se enoja de veras
- CDE Sample Family Language & Interest Interview
- Engaging in Family Conversations Menu
- Family Letter on Home Language
- Head Start Planned Language Approach Gathering and Using Language Information That Families Share
- SEAL NASEM Research Brief
- SEAL Q&A on Dual Language Learners in Preschool
- Socio-Emotional Vocabulary List – In English, Spanish, and Vietnamese
- Teaching Pyramid of Emotions in English and Spanish
Patricia Montes Pate
Program Coordinator
SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Language)
Patricia is the Preschool Program Coordinator for SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Language). Together with Dr. Laurie Olsen, Patricia helped to co-design SEAL’s preschool model. As part of the California Department of Education Dual Language Learner Early Education Initiative, Patricia has been instrumental in the preparation of early childhood educators to effectively support Dual Language Learners and their families statewide. She specializes in bilingual education and curriculum design and holds a Master of Arts degree in Education, Administration, and Supervision. Mrs. Montes Pate is a former bilingual classroom teacher, instructional coach, university supervisor for the Stanford Teacher Education Program, and GLAD Trainer.
Ana Marisol Sánchez
Program Specialist
SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Language)
Ana Marisol is a SEAL Program Specialist with over 20 years of educational experience. Prior to joining SEAL, she was a bilingual classroom teacher, EL coordinator, and instructional coach with the Los Angeles Unified School District. There, she collaborated on various planning, delivery, and advocacy efforts related to English Language Development, dual language programs, and research based instructional design for English Learners. Additionally, she has taught EL Methodology coursework at Loyola Marymount University. She is passionate about supporting children with languages other than English, to receive high-quality education, where culture, diversity, and bilingualism are celebrated and embraced. She holds a BA in Psychology, a Minor in Spanish Literature and an MA in Educational Administration.