Our 2024 Sponsored Bills:
Help us to make quality Early Learning a reality for all California children. Contact your state representative today.
AB 1947 (Rivas) – California state preschool programs: contracting agencies: staff training days.
Co-sponsored by Early Edge California and Californians Together
AB 1947 will support California State Preschool Program (CSPP) educators in receiving professional development that allows them to provide equitable, high-quality learning experiences for all children, including Dual Language Learners (DLLs), as envisioned in Governor Newsom’s Master Plan for Early Learning and Care.
AB 2268 (Muratsuchi) – English learners: English language proficiency assessment.
Co-Sponsored by Early Edge California, Californians Together, and California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)
AB 2268 will ensure that the language proficiency of the state’s youngest emerging bilingual students is not evaluated with developmentally inappropriate assessments that could harm their academic and life trajectories.
Our 2024 Supported Bills:
AB 1930 (Reyes) – Teaching credentials: Child Development Associate Teacher Permit: renewal.
Introduced: 1/25/2024
Current Status: Assembly Appropriations Committee
AB 1930 would, on or before April 30, 2025, require the commission to, by rule or regulation, authorize a holder of a Child Development Associate Teacher Permit to renew their permit without a limitation on the number of renewals if the permit holder completes specified hours of professional growth activities, as provided.
AB 2074 (Muratsuchi & Alvarez) – Pupil instruction: English Learner Roadmap Policy: statewide implementation plan.
Introduced: 1/25/2024
Current Status: Assembly Appropriations Committee
AB 2074 would require the department to develop a statewide implementation plan for the English Learner (EL) Roadmap Policy. In developing the plan, the bill would require the department to identify 3 positions within the department, as provided, to develop the plan and to subsequently support school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools in implementing the plan. The bill would require the department to include in the plan, among other things, clear and measurable statewide goals of implementation and a system of monitoring and accountability of the implementation of the plan. The bill would require the department to, on or before November 1, 2025, submit a report with the statewide implementation plan for the EL Roadmap Policy to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature. The bill would require the department to annually report, commencing January 1, 2027, to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature on local educational agencies that are engaged in the implementation of the plan, as provided.
AB 2226 (Muratsuchi) – Elementary education: kindergarten.
Introduced: 2/7/2024
Current Status: Assembly Education Committee
AB 2226, beginning with the 2026–27 school year, would require a child to have completed one year of kindergarten before that child may be admitted to the first grade at a public elementary school, except for a child who has been lawfully admitted to a public school kindergarten or a private school kindergarten in California, but has not yet completed one school year, and is judged to be ready for first-grade work, as specified, thereby imposing a state-mandated local program.
AB 2458 (Berman) – Public postsecondary education: student parents.
Introduced: 2/13/2024
Current Status: Assembly Appropriations Committee
AB 2458 would require the information on student parent internet web pages to include additional information on student parent services and resources, including several other federal and state tax credits, state and federal financial aid applications and programs, and the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program. The bill would require each campus of the California Community Colleges and the California State University, and would request each campus of the University of California, to, among other things, (1) develop and implement a campus policy for estimating and adjusting cost of attendance information for student parents, as specified, (2) establish a data field in the campus’s data management information system to identify student parents for certain purposes, and (3) update its campus net price calculator to include a baseline student parent cost estimate, as specified. By imposing new duties on community college districts, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
AB 2476 (Bonta) – Childcare services: alternative payment programs.
Introduced: 2/13/2024
Current Status: Assembly Human Services Committee
AB 2476 would remove the requirement that alternative payment programs reimburse child care providers based on specified criteria. The bill would require the department to ensure that child care providers are reimbursed at the applicable regional market rate ceiling. The bill would also require that, commencing on May 1, 2025, alternative payment programs provide payment to child care providers prior to the day the child care begins for the child and require the department to compensate the alternative payment programs that reimburse child care providers for the provision of state-funded subsidized child care and development services no later than February 1, 2025.
AB 2901 (Aguiar-Curry) – School and community college employees: paid disability and parental leave.
Introduced: 2/15/2024
Current Status: Assembly Appropriations Committee
SB 1056 (Rubio) – Elementary education: kindergarten.
Introduced: 2/8/2024
Current Status: Senate Education Committee
SB 1056, beginning with the 2026–27 school year, would require a child to have completed one year of kindergarten before that child may be admitted to the first grade at a public elementary school, except for a child who has been lawfully admitted to a public school kindergarten or a private school kindergarten in California, but has not yet completed one school year, and is judged to be ready for first-grade work, as specified, thereby imposing a state-mandated local program. The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement. This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to the statutory provisions noted above.