Videos |
June 26, 2020
| Early Edge California
Distance Learning Webinars from Early Edge California
The mandate to close schools in California and engage in distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the way that Early Learning teachers are able to engage with their students. To support the current needs of our teachers and the young children they work with, Early Edge California is designing a series of webinars to provide new tools for teaching from home.
Webinar Recordings
Access the full webinar recordings along with additional content such as presentation slides and other resources.
How to Read Books with Preschoolers
Cómo leer cuentos con niños preescolares
How to Read Books with Infants and Toddlers
Cómo leer cuentos con bebés y niños pequeños
How to Support Dual Language Learning
Cómo apoyar el aprendizaje de dos idiomas
Distance Learning Webinar Series from Early Edge CA & Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL)
- Empowering Families to Develop Oral Language in Everyday Life Using Home Language
- Empoderar a familias para desarrollar el lenguaje oral durante la vida cotidiana usando la lengua materna
- Developing Structures to Support Family Partnerships
- Desarrollando estructuras para apoyar alianzas con familias
Distance Learning Webinar Series from Early Edge CA & LMU-CEEL
- Elevating Assets-based Virtual Teaching for Dual Language Learners in Transitional Kindergarten
Elevando las habilidades y conocimientos de los alumnos de doble idioma en programas de Transición a Kindergarten durante la enseñanza virtual
Additional Webinars Hosted by Early Edge California
- Best Practices for Engaging Young Children and their Families through Technology
- Overview of Paid Sick Leave, Paid Family Leave, and Unemployment Insurance for ECE Directors, Staff, and Family Childcare Programs in California
- Visión General del Permiso Pagado por Enfermedad, Permiso Familiar Pagado y Seguro por Desempleo para los Directores de ECE, Personal y Programas de Cuidado Infantil Familiar en California