Distance Learning Webinar Series from Early Edge CA & LMU-CEEL
The mandate to close schools in California and engage in distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the way that Early Learning teachers are able to engage with their students. To support the current needs of our teachers and the young children they work with, Early Edge California is designing a series of webinars to provide new tools for teaching from home.
This series is available in English and Spanish and hosted by Early Edge California in partnership with Loyola Marymount University’s Center for Equity for English Learners (LMU-CEEL).
Watch the Distance Learning Webinar: Elevating Assets-based Virtual Teaching for Dual Language Learners in Transitional Kindergarten
This webinar presents design principles for equitable distance learning for Dual Language Learners in Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and similar early childhood settings. Two TK teachers share virtual classroom-based strategies to elevate student and family assets and support social and emotional needs during COVID-19. Participants have the opportunity to explore intentional, instructional design ideas to promote oral language development and deliver Integrated English Language Development for Language Arts and Math.
Presentation Slides: Elevating Assets-based Virtual Teaching for DLLs in TK
Elevando las habilidades y conocimientos de los alumnos de doble idioma en programas de Transición a Kindergarten durante la enseñanza virtual
Este seminario virtual presentará Principios para el Diseño de Aprendizaje a Distancia Equitativo para los alumnos de doble idioma (DLLs) en programas de Transición a Kindergarten (TK) y en otros entornos de la primeria infancia. Se compartirán estrategias para el aula virtual con el fin de tomar ventaja de las habilidades y conocimientos de los alumnos y sus familias para elevar la instrucción a distancia. También se pretende ayudar con las necesidades socioemocionales durante la COVID-19. Así mismo, los participantes podrán examinar ideas concretas de material didáctico para potenciar el desarrollo del lenguaje oral y la enseñanza del Desarrollo Integrado de la Lengua Inglesa en las materias de Lenguaje y Matemáticas.
Seminario Espanol: TK Elevando las habilidades y conocimientos de los alumnos de doble idioma
About the Moderator:
Dr. Elvira G. Armas
Director of Programs and Partnerships
Center for Equity for English Learners (CEEL) at Loyola Marymount University
Dr. Elvira G. Armas is the Director of Programs and Partnerships for the Center for Equity for English Learners (CEEL) and Affiliated Faculty in the School of Education at Loyola Marymount University. Throughout her career as an educator, she has been actively engaged in collaborating with TK–12th-grade educators in the areas of leadership, curriculum, integrated standards-based instruction, assessment, and family/community engagement in culturally and linguistically diverse settings.
Maria Lourdes Salazar
Maestra de Transición a Kindergarten
Willow Elementary
Maria Lourdes Salazares maestra de Transición a Kindergarten (TK) en la escuela Willow Elementary de South Gate (California). Lleva 22 años dedicada a la docencia en el Distrito Unificado de Los Ángeles y desde el año 2010 ha sido maestra de Transición a Kindergarten. Completó sus estudios, obtuvo su Acreditación docente y una Maestría en Administración en la Universidad del Estado de California Domínguez Hills. En el año 2012 obtuvo el Certificado para la enseñanza de Transición a Kindergarten/Educación para edades tempranas de la Universidad Loyola Marymount. Consiguió el Certificado Nacional de Enseñanza (NBC, por sus siglas en inglés) en el año 2017. A María le encanta trabajar con los niños pequeños y crear vínculos con sus familias. Cree fervientemente en el desarrollo integral del niño y reconoce que el desarrollo socioemocional es tan importante como el desarrollo académico.
Roxana Zeledon
Roxana Zeledones una mujer salvadoreña hija de inmigrantes que reside en el sur de California. Trabaja a tiempo completo como administradora de propiedades y es madre de dos preciosas niñas, afables y observadoras, de cinco y tres años de edad respectivamente.
Karina Trinidad
Karina Trinidad es madre de un niño de 5 años. Comenzó a trabajar en un cuarto con solo una computadora portátil para una empresa distribuidora de tarritos de fruta desde los inicios de la misma en el año 2015. Hoy en día distribuyen sus productos a nivel nacional para escuelas, servicios de alimentación y bancos de alimentos. En estos años Karina ha hecho múltiples tareas, desde ventas y contabilidad hasta su cargo actual de coordinadora de envíos. Los fines de semana trabaja manejando para Uber y actualmente es alumna a tiempo parcial en la universidad East Los Angeles College.
About the Presenters (English webinar):
Tina Renzullo
Transitional Kindergarten Teacher
George C. Marshall Elementary School
Tina Renzullo is a Transitional Kindergarten teacher at George C. Marshall Elementary School in the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District. She also teaches in the Certificate in Teaching Transitional Kindergarten/Early Childhood Education program through Loyola Marymount University’s School of Education Center for Equity for English Learners. Tina was filmed in action in her classroom as part of the California Department of Education’s Transitional Kindergarten Implementation Guide video series. As a proud educator of 34 years (and counting!), Tina celebrates the practice of both the art and the science of teaching and lends her voice as an advocate for equity in and access to appropriate early learner education. Tina holds a Bachelor of Arts in Child Development from California State University, Los Angeles, a Masters in Advanced Teaching Practice from University of LaVerne, and a Certificate in Teaching Transitional Kindergarten/Early Childhood Education from Loyola Marymount University.
Maria Lourdes Salazar
Transitional Kindergarten Teacher
Willow Elementary
Maria Lourdes Salazar is a Transitional Kindergarten teacher at Willow Elementary in South Gate, CA. She has been teaching for 22 years in Los Angeles Unified School District and has taught Transitional Kindergarten since 2010. She graduated, obtained a teaching credential, and a master’s in administration from Cal State Dominguez Hills. In 2012, she earned a Teaching Transitional Kindergarten Certificate from Loyola Marymount University. She became a Nationally Board Certified Teacher in 2017. Maria enjoys working with young children and building relationships with their families. She believes strongly in developing the whole child and knows that the social and emotional development is as important as the academic.