Early Edge California is proud to co-sponsor AB 393 (Rivas) which builds on the previous efforts of AB 1363 in implementing the recommendations from the Governor’s Master Plan for Early Learning and Care for supporting Dual Language Learners (DLLs)—making California the first in the nation to adopt a statewide policy.
Despite the state’s acknowledgement of linguistic and cultural diversity as assets, there is no consistent manner of identifying DLLs in California’s Early Learning and Care system, apart from California State Preschool Programs (CSPP). This impairs the ability of state policymakers to make informed decisions over resources and other critical elements of Early Learning programs that could be leveraged to nurture and develop the early linguistic assets of these children for their benefit and the greater benefit of California.
AB 393 builds upon the work of AB 1363 in expanding asset-based DLL identification to general child care programs (CCTR) and the Migrant Child Care Program (CMIG) in working towards the goals of the Master Plan to support DLLs. Specifically, this bill will require the Department of Social Services, in consultation with the Department of Education, to develop:
- A process, along with appropriate guidelines, for CCTR and CMIG programs to identify DLLs, which is based on that developed for CSPP. Importantly, this information is used to inform the institutional and program policies and practices that are necessary to support the simultaneous development of a child’s home language and English.
- Requirements for CCTR and CMIG programs to report key information about their DLLs as part of their existing funding applications, requirements, and procedures.
- The departments to coordinate data collection and reporting procedures to maximize efficiencies and minimize administrative burdens on CSPP, CCTR, and CMIG providers and staff.
Author: Asm. Luz Rivas
Co-Author: Asm. Joaquin Arambula
Early Edge California
California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)
Californians Together
Latino Caucus (priority bill)
Alliance for a Better Community
Association of Mexican American Educators
Association of Two-Way Dual Language Education
California State PTA
Catalyst California
Child Care Providers United (CCPU)
Children Now
Institute for Racial Equity and Excellence
Loyola Marymount University
North Bay Leadership Council
Parent Institute for Quality Education
Sobrato Early Academic Language
The Children’s Partnership
The Education Trust
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