AB 1363 has been signed by Governor Newsom! Read our full statement to learn more about this historic decision to support Dual Language Learners.
AB 1363’s implementation begins on Jan. 1, 2023 when CSPP teachers will start using the DLL identification process, as outlined by the California Department of Education (CDE). CDE guidance on the process can be found here.

Early Edge California is proud to co-sponsor AB 1363 (Rivas) to develop a standard process, starting with the California State Preschool Program (CSPP), for providers to identify the Dual Language Learners (DLLs) they enroll and serve, and require providers, through contract requirements, to report key information about DLLs that inform future policy and program decisions, such as ensuring that Early Learning professionals receive the training to support this significant portion of California’s children.

Despite the state’s positive shift acknowledging linguistic and cultural diversity as assets, and  although 60% of children ages birth to five live in households in which a language other than English is spoken, there is no consistent manner of identifying DLLs in California’s Early Learning system. The absence of information about the state’s DLLs impairs the ability of state policymakers to make informed decisions over resources and other critical elements of Early Learning programs that could be leveraged to nurture and develop the early linguistic assets of these children for their benefit and the greater benefit of California.

AB 1363 aims to systematize the identification of DLLs in CSPP by:

  • (1) developing a standard process for California State Preschool Program providers to identify the DLLs they enroll and serve, and 
  • (2) requiring providers, through contract requirements, to report key information to the state about DLLs to inform future policy and program decisions.
This legislation aligns with recommendations in the Governor’s Master Plan for Early Learning and Care.

Author: Assemblymember Luz Rivas
Co-Authors: Assemblymembers Chiu, Eduardo Garcia, and Medina

Tony Thurmond, California State Superintendent of Public Education (Sponsor)
Early Edge California (Sponsor)
Catalyst California (formerly Advancement Project California) (Sponsor)
California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) (Sponsor)
Californians Together (Sponsor)

AB 1363 is a 2021 Priority Bill for the California Legislative Women’s Caucus. 

Current Status: Signed by Governor Newsom – Read our full statement. 
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