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Designing the TK World: Ensuring Equity for Dual Language Learners (DLLs)

Please join us for a 3-part webinar series focused on supporting and affirming the needs and assets of preschool-aged Dual Language Learners, who represent a large and growing population of young children in California. This series, intended for teachers and administrators, will provide participants with practical strategies and takeaways to apply to their own contexts. The series will also feature expert practitioners from the field, who will share their experiences and key resources. 

We encourage you to register for each session you would like to attend using the links below. For questions, please contact us at [email protected]

Part 1: How to Design Your TK Classroom to Support Dual Language Learners
Wednesday, October 20th | 3:30 – 4:30 pm (PT)

In this session, we will present essential elements to designing an age-appropriate, culturally, and linguistically responsive program. These practices aim to support learning and development for Dual Language Learners in Transitional Kindergarten (TK) settings where teachers speak or do not speak their home languages. We will learn from Dr. Oliva-Olson and Dr. Tagawa ways to design an equitable approach that supports DLLs’ social-emotional and language development in English and the home language.


  • Carola Oliva-Olson, Ph.D., Executive Director of Professional Development and Multilingual Education, Institute for Racial Equity & Excellence 


  • Dean Tagawa, Ed.D., Executive Director Early Education,  Los Angeles Unified School District
  • Mari Ortega-García, M.Ed., Director of Early Education & Support, Guadalupe School District
  • Lydia Acosta Stephens, Executive Director Division of Instruction, Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department, Los Angeles Unified School District

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Part 2: Effective Classroom Practices for Equitably Serving Preschool-Age Dual Language Learners / Parte 2: Prácticas efectivas para apoyar equitativamente a los estudiantes preescolares que aprenden en dos idiomas

Available in English and Spanish. Disponible en ingles y español. 

English: Wednesday, November 3rd | 3:30 – 4:30 pm (PT)

In this session, we will share dual language-specific strategies and home language supports that are necessary for children to have full access and effective participation in all daily curricular activities with joy and interest. We will focus on critical adaptations, modifications and enhancements, and engagement with families to effectively promote learning and development.

Español: jueves, Noviembre 4th | 3:30 a 4:30 pm (PT)

En esta sesión compartiremos estrategias específicas y apoyos en el idioma del hogar que son necesarios para que los niños que aprenden en más de un idioma participen y aprendan de las actividades curriculares con alegría e interés. Presentaremos ejemplos de adaptaciones, modificaciones y mejoras de la enseñanza, y maneras de colaborar con las familias para promover el aprendizaje y el desarrollo del idioma del hogar y el inglés.  

Presented by / Presentado por: 

  • Carola Oliva-Olson, Ph.D., Executive Director of Professional Development and Multilingual Education, Institute for Racial Equity & Excellence 
  • Anna Arambula-González, Language Learning Project Coach, Adjunct Professor 

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Part 3: Dialogue with Early Learning and TK teachers: Learning how to transform challenges into opportunities
Wednesday, November 10th | 3:30 – 4:30 pm (PT)

In this session, we will connect with and learn from teachers in Early Learning and TK who have collaborated in planning and training efforts. Their experiences will help us understand the various issues, challenges, and benefits of incorporating DLL-specific strategies and supports driven by Early Learning programming. Panelists will guide the conversation from questions submitted earlier from the audience.

Questions can be submitted at [email protected].


  • Carola Oliva-Olson, Ph.D., Executive Director of Professional Development and Multilingual Education, Institute for Racial Equity & Excellence 
  • Anna Arambula-González, Language Learning Project Coach, Adjunct Professor 
  • Panel of TK and Early Learning teachers from across the state

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