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Media Coverage | | Univision 34 Los Angeles

A new school year is approaching and experts explain the importance of early education

Se acerca un nuevo ciclo escolar y expertas explican la importancia de la educación temprana

Early Edge’s Executive Director Patricia Lozano speaks with Norma Roque at Univision 34 Los Angeles about the importance of early education to prepare children for Kindergarten and beyond.

When asked about the benefits of early education, Patricia shared, “They are ready for kindergarten is one. Knowing how to be a friend is another. And knowing how to follow school rules.”

Cuando se le preguntó acerca de los beneficios de la educación temprana, Patricia compartió: “Ellos están listos para el kínder es uno. Saber cómo ser un amigo es otro. Y saber cómo seguir las reglas de la escuela”.

Watch the interview

Note: This video is in Spanish.

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