Initial Results from ECE Workforce Barriers Survey
Initial Results are out from California Department of Education’s Early Learning Workforce Survey
In March 2019, the California Department of Education, Early Learning and Care Division (CDE, ELCD) sent a survey out to Early Learning teachers statewide to learn more about the barriers they face in advancing their careers and professional development. The survey was developed as part of the Early Learning workforce grant that California received from the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association. Given Early Edge’s focus on strengthening the Early Learning workforce, we were invited to be part of the California state team.
Almost 2,500 Early Learning teachers in all settings across the state responded to the survey, which was available in both English and Spanish.
The survey confirmed that our Early Learning teachers face two major barriers to participating in professional development opportunities: not having enough money and not having enough time. The field indicated that the following supports would be most helpful to advance their careers:
- Stipends or reimbursement of costs for college coursework/training or books
- Paid time off to attend college classes and/or training
- Receiving pay that increases with higher levels of education and more work experience
In addition, Spanish-language respondents expressed a greater need for:
- Coursework and/or trainings offered in languages other than English
- Tutoring to help with academic coursework
- More coursework and/or trainings offered evenings and weekends
- More convenient course and/or training locations
- Professional development advisors
We expect the full results of CDE’s Early Learning Workforce Survey to be available by June 2019, and will share the key findings when they are ready. Early Edge will be using the important information that Early Learning teachers provided in this survey to inform our policy and advocacy work.