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Blog | | Leading from Home, Early Edge California, Home Grown

Early Edge Celebrates Launch of the Leading From Home Program with Inaugural Community of Practice

Early Edge California launched the Leading From Home (LFH) program, marked by the successful inauguration of the first Community of Practice (CoP) meeting. Leading from Home is a replication of a national program originally created by Home Grown that seeks to identify, support, and develop provider leaders leading grassroots networks in their communities. Early Edge’s inaugural cohort is composed of ten dedicated Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) providers hailing from various regions across California. A yearlong initiative, these monthly CoP gatherings aim to foster mutual learning and collaboration, empowering these FFN providers to amplify their voices both within their local communities and across the state. For their participation in this CoP, cohort members will receive a $1,000 monthly stipend. Providers will also be paired with a mentor provider for monthly 1:1 calls, guidance, and support related to caregiving, business management, advocacy and networking, and general support and wellbeing. The purpose of LFH is to invest in and empower FFN providers, enabling them to inform policymakers and their actions. Early Edge received an overwhelming response to the program, with over 120 applications received.

The first CoP meeting took place on August 9th, conducted in English with live Spanish interpretation. The agenda covered essential topics such as the significance of CoPs, the development of shared group agreements, and the goals of the program. An important element of the gathering was a community-building and reflection session, which gave our FFN providers an opportunity to foster a deeper understanding amongst each other on a more personal level. The central theme of the CoP was to cultivate a supportive FFN provider community, highlighting the importance of collaboration when it comes to addressing the distinctive challenges faced by FFN providers through the impact of collective advocacy.

Early Edge staff and California’s Leading from Home cohort come together for first Community of Practice meeting.   

To ensure that the CoP convenings are safe spaces in which FFN providers can share and grow with one another, the Early Edge team is committed to incorporating feedback from providers regarding shared group agreements from the first CoP, and incorporating any input shared in future gatherings. Additionally, comprehensive meeting summaries will be circulated within the group. The second CoP meeting is scheduled for September 13, 2023.

Early Edge is enthusiastic about the participation of ten passionate and seasoned FFN providers in our initiative. Over the next eleven months, we anticipate gaining profound insights into the unique needs and barriers faced by FFN providers, ultimately amplifying their voices throughout California. For further details about this program, please visit our Leading From Home webpage.

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