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Press Releases / Announcements | | Early Edge California

AB 2268 Signed by Governor Newsom Takes Immediate Effect to Stop Use of ELPAC in TK

Our sponsored bill Assembly Bill (AB) 2268, authored by Asm. Al Muratsuchi, was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday, June 14th. The bill has gone into immediate effect to exempt Transitional Kindergarten (TK) students from taking the English Language Proficiency Assessment of California (ELPAC) in the 2024-25 school year.

“As the parent of bilingual children and a dual language learner myself, I deeply appreciate Governor Newsom, Assemblymember Muratsuchi, and California’s legislators for supporting our young multilingual learners by championing AB 2268. This bill will create more supports tailored to their needs and strengths, so they can learn and thrive from the early years onward. AB 2268 sets our state on a path to find a more appropriate way to assess students and their development,” said Patricia Lozano, Executive Director of Early Edge California.

Read the press release from Asm. Muratsuchi’s office

Thank you to Governor Newsom and the California Legislature for prioritizing this important legislation that now exempts TK students from being evaluated with developmentally inappropriate assessments. We would also like to thank our bill author Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi, our co-sponsors Californians Together and California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE), and the many supporters of AB 2268 who submitted letters of support, shared on social media, and participated in the bill’s hearings.

Official guidance from the California Department of Education (CDE) is forthcoming. In the meantime, the CDE has published this interim guidance

You can attend the California State Board of Education (SBE) Meeting on July 10-11th to learn more; the SBE will be discussing various alternative options. View the June 2024 information memoranda here

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Early Edge California is a nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to improving access to high-quality Early Learning experiences for all California children so they can have a strong foundation for future success.

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