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External Resources | | TKCalifornia, Commission on Teacher Credentialing

Emergency Permits to Teach Transitional Kindergarten


The 2022-23 California State Budget included a policy change that grants flexibilities to help more quickly fulfill the state’s need to hire roughly 11,900 to 15,600 additional credentialed teachers to teach Transitional Kindergarten (TK) as it expands to serve all 4-year-olds by the 2025-26 school year. Budget trailer bill AB 210, updated Section 44300 to allow the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to issue and renew a one-year emergency specialist teaching permit in early childhood education that authorizes teaching a TK general education classroom. These permits must be applied for by the local employing agency on behalf of the individual in need of an emergency permit.

How to Apply:

School districts interested in applying for TK emergency permits on behalf of qualified candidates must submit justification to the CTC for approval. As part of the application, the district must submit documentation that it has exhausted its recruitment efforts and has been unable to recruit a sufficient number of qualified TK teachers to meet its needs. This documentation must also be adopted as a motion by the district’s governing board.


With approval from the CTC, the school district can then have applicants that meet the following requirements serve as a lead teacher in a TK classroom with an emergency permit.

  • Possess a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education and hold a valid commission-issued child development permit at the teacher or higher level.
  • Satisfy the subject matter requirement by one of the following options:
    • Complete 24 semester units of coursework in child development or early childhood education at a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
    • Hold a baccalaureate or higher degree conferred by a regionally accredited institution of higher education where the major is in child development, or early childhood education, or a similar major.
    • Commencing July 1, 2023, has three or more years of full-time lead- or primary-teaching experience in a TK setting, or preschool-age early childhood or child development program, or a combination thereof. Experience may include teaching experience in a public or private preschool or TK setting, Head Start program, or state-funded preschool program. 

Renewal of Emergency Permits

The Commission may renew an emergency specialist teaching permit in early childhood education for one additional year, if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The applicant verifies current enrollment in a commission-approved teacher preparation program that will result in a credential authorizing teaching TK.
  • The local employing agency submits a subsequent declaration to justify the need for use of TK emergency permits.
  • The local employing agency verifies that the applicant continues to successfully serve in the assignment on the basis of the emergency permit.
  • The local employing agency verifies that continued orientation, mentoring, and support shall be provided to the applicant.

To receive alerts about when this permit is established and available for issuance, please subscribe to the Commission’s Certification Division eNews.

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