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Media Coverage | | EdSource

Reactions to the governor’s early education budget proposals

In this round-up from EdSource, our Executive Director Patricia Lozano shares her thoughts on Governor Newsom’s 2023-24 budget proposal investments in Early Learning and Care.

Questions answered by Patricia:

  1. What should be the priorities for supporting early education during this economic downturn, and how well does the proposed budget meet them?
  2. What’s your No. 1 priority for early learning that should be protected, or even expanded, in a declining revenue year?

“Early Edge was pleased to see the Governor’s continued commitment to expand transitional kindergarten and to achieve universal TK by 2025. As TK expands to serve all 4-year-olds, it is important that we keep implementation front of mind to ensure its success. This means prioritizing efforts to support workforce pipelines to ensure we have educators that are well-prepared with a strong background in early learning, as well as classrooms that optimize teaching and learning for our youngest students.”

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