An Overview of San Diego Unified’s Co-Teaching Model: An Option for TK Implementation
Early Edge California and San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) present a webinar outlining SDUSD’s co-teaching model, an option for Transitional Kindergarten (TK) implementation.
An Overview of San Diego Unified’s Co-Teaching Model: An Option for TK Implementation
Hosted by Early Edge California
This webinar provides an overview of the co-teaching model San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) uses in its Transitional Kindergarten (TK) 4 | Universal TK (UTK) program and how this model can help school districts meet the state’s new requirements for lower child-teacher ratios, as well as the increased demand for TK teachers created by the expansion of TK to all 4-year-olds. We’ll hear directly from teachers about their experience co-teaching and learn from an early learning director and principal about how they were able to develop and implement this model at school sites across the district.
This webinar focuses on sharing one district’s example of best practices used by teachers in a co-teaching classroom, a site principal, and the director of the early learning program. The session is open to all who are interested, but is intended to serve school district leadership, administrators, and early learning directors who are interested in learning more about the implementation of strategies to support a co-teaching model at their individual site or school district.
- Patricia Lozano, Executive Director, Early Edge California
- Kelly Reynolds, Senior Policy Analyst, Early Edge California
- Stephanie Ceminsky, Early Learning Director, SDUSD
- Lori Moore, Principal, Valencia Park Elementary School, SDUSD
- Stacy Hemingway, ECE Teacher, SDUSD
- Raul Neri, TK Teacher, SDUSD