Early Edge Hosts Fall 2022 Meeting of the Advisory Group Leadership Council
Early Edge California’s Advisory Group Leadership Council—lead representatives from the Parent, Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN), and Educator Advisory Groups—convened its third virtual meeting on October 3rd. During the meeting, Early Edge provided timely policy updates and shared proposed plans for the group’s activities for 2023.
The main focus of the meeting was on quality standards in Early Learning. Leadership Council Ambassadors discussed a series of questions that honed in on the group’s perspectives around elements of quality, ensuring equitable access to quality programs and providers, and how we can best support educators throughout the process. Early Edge previously discussed this topic with the Parent and FFN Advisory Groups during the last round of meetings and will have the opportunity to hear from our Educator Advisory Group in its upcoming meeting in November 2022. Early Edge will then compile, review, and synthesize the notes across all advisory group meetings, using our stakeholders’ input and feedback to guide our next steps in moving this critical part of our work forward.
The meeting also provided a great opportunity for Early Edge to share a newly-developed resource for the field. Leadership Council Ambassadors received electronic copies of “Community Engagement in Policymaking: A Handbook for Advocacy.” The group will be using this practical resource over the next few months, and our team looks forward to more widely distributing it within the Early Learning community.
Leadership Ambassadors will convene for the last meeting of the year via Zoom in December 2022. Early Edge looks forward to continuing to strengthen and grow its model for connecting policy and practice through key efforts like the Advisory Group Leadership Council, recognizing and highlighting the expertise and commitment for quality Early Learning within our community. For more information about the Leadership Council, please visit our Advisory Groups webpage.