San Diego Unified Hosts State Policymakers to Visit its Universal Transitional Kindergarten Classrooms
On September 24th, San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) hosted several state elected officials and staff to share its successes and experiences with Early Learning: Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) program implementation. At the start of the 2021-22 school year, SDUSD expanded its TK 4 program to serve all 4-year-olds. As a result, SDUSD has successfully expanded UTK to over half of the district’s elementary sites and is serving nearly 2,600 TK students, with plans to continue to scale up the program next year.
The UTK Tour took state leaders to visit TK classrooms at Valencia Park Elementary and Alcott Elementary where they were able to observe high-quality and developmentally appropriate practices and see the district’s co-teaching model in action. It was a joy to watch children learning and growing through fun and play!
Get a peek into the TK 4 program through this Early Edge video about Valencia Park Elementary’s classroom and learn more about the program’s co-teaching model by watching the recording of our recent webinar.
TK students at Alcott Elementary School welcome state leaders and staff who came to visit their classroom.