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Blog | | Early Edge California

Early Edge Hosts the Final Advisory Group Leadership Council Meeting for 2024

Early Edge California’s Advisory Group Leadership Council convened its third and final meeting of the year on September 16th, which was hosted in English and Spanish, thanks to the support of a simultaneous interpreter. The Leadership Council “Ambassadors” are lead participants from our Educator, Parent, and Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) Advisory Groups, providing opportunities for deeper collaboration and impact. Ambassadors represent their respective advisory groups, serving as a liaison between advisory group members and Early Edge.

Early Edge began the meeting by sharing exciting updates and milestones that occurred since the last meeting on June 3rd, including the release of our 2024 Mid-Year in Review Report and a new priority page on our website to promote the Birth to Three (B-3) campaign. To maximize campaign engagement, the group discussed potential resources, like a social media toolkit and fact sheets, that could be used in spreading awareness about this important initiative. The Early Edge team also provided legislative updates on AB 2268 and AB 1947.

Looking ahead, Early Edge shared plans for 2025 policy and legislative priorities, which will incorporate feedback from the advisory groups. We concluded with a group discussion on top priorities in early care and education. We invited participants to share their perspectives and ideas as we continue our collaborative work to connect policy with practice across California.

Early Edge thanks the Ambassadors for their participation in their second year of the Leadership Council. We look forward to continuing to strengthen and grow our model for connecting policy and practice through key efforts like the Advisory Group Leadership Council, recognizing and highlighting the expertise and commitment to quality Early Learning within our community. For more information about the Leadership Council, please visit our Advisory Groups webpage.

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