Here is a sample support letter for AB 1012. Please copy and past it directly into an email or use the document software of your choice. You can also download it as a Word doc: AB 1012 Sample Support Letter.


The Honorable Patrick O’Donnell
Chair, Assembly Committee on Education
1020 N Street, Room 159                  
Sacramento, CA 95814

AB 1012 (Reyes) Bilingualism for All Act

Dear Assembly Member O’Donnell,

[Name of Your Organization] supports AB 1012 (Reyes), which would implement Proposition 58 (2016) by supporting the expansion of bilingual and biliteracy programs in California beginning in early childhood and extending through high school graduation. Bilingualism and biculturalism are tremendous assets to both individuals and to society as a whole. Children who are bilingual demonstrate improved outcomes in both academic and social development at a time when the demand for bilingual workers is growing and anticipated to increase even further.

AB 1012 builds on previous state investments by providing multi-year support to increase the number of skilled teachers who can help students become bilingual and biliterate. The bill provides funding to local education agencies to increase the number of public school teachers who possess a bilingual authorization, provides for increased professional development opportunities for bilingual educators, birth through 12th grade, and funds California colleges and universities to recruit faculty to teach in bilingual authorization programs. In addition, the bill funds the start-up or expansion of Dual Language or Developmental Bilingual Programs from birth through 12th grade and supports excellence by establishing the California Exemplary Bilingual and Biliteracy Program.

By investing in the expansion of bilingual programs and supporting educators who serve Dual language learners and English learners, AB 1012 will improve academic and social outcomes for California’s children while ensuring that all students have the skills they need to be successful in a global economy. For these reasons, we strongly SUPPORT AB 1012 and request your AYE vote when it comes before you for consideration.


Your Name and Title

CC:      The Honorable Eloise Gomez Reyes
Members, Assembly Committee on Education
Tanya Lieberman, Assembly Education Committee