Media Coverage |
September 6, 2022
| Univision 34 Los Angeles
This bill proposes that all children in California attend Kindergarten before starting first grade
Este proyecto de ley propone que todos los niños en California cursen kínder antes de iniciar el primer grado
Our Executive Director Patricia Lozano speaks with Annabelle Sedano from Univision 34 Los Angeles’ Al Punto California about the importance and benefits of mandatory Kindergarten in California through Senate Bill (SB) 70.
“The child who has gone to Kindergarten can follow directions, can be part of a group, can take turns, knows how to make friends. And it will be much easier for them to read and write because they have had one whole year where they basically got preparation…Kindergarten teaches and prepares them on everything they need to be successful in school and in the future.”
Note: This video is in Spanish.