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Rate and Quality Workgroup Presents Recommendations in Final Report 

The California Department of Social Services (DSS) convened the Rate and Quality Workgroup between January to August 2022 to discuss the reimbursement rates and the existing quality standards for child care, development, and preschool programs.

During this time, the workgroup reviewed materials related to the reimbursement rates and quality standards to provide recommendations on creating a Single Reimbursement Rate structure that addresses quality standards for equity and accessibility.

Key recommendations from the work group include:

  • The creation of equitable policies to address the existing structures that perpetuate racial biases.
  • The use of an alternative methodology that uses a cost-estimation model to set base rates and a living wage floor instead of the current methodology.
  • The creation of a single reimbursement rate which specifies separate base rates for Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) care and Home-Based and Center-Based Early Learning and Care.
  • Endorsement of the current assessment from CDSS on current federal requirements, resources, and potential policy changes related to FFNs.

Early Edge California in partnership with the Advancement Project California and other Dual Language Learner (DLL) partner organizations submitted a joint letter to the Workgroup urging for the inclusion of certain values which were included in the final report. You can read more about the work group’s recommendations in their final report.

View Our Report Summary

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