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Early Edge Convenes Eleventh Community of Practice of the California Leading From Home Program

On June 12th, Early Edge California convened the eleventh Community of Practice (CoP) for the Leading from Home (LFH) program. In this discussion, the LFH cohort, which is made up of Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) providers from across the state, completed the final preparations and reviewed the agenda for their upcoming advocacy day at the state capitol. The providers developed talking points on issues such as access to subsidies and increased wages, navigation to resources and supports, opportunities for professional development and training, assistance in pathways to obtaining licensure, and representation in the new alternative rate methodology. As a culmination of their introduction to advocacy within the program, the LFH advocacy day at the state capitol marks their first experience formally engaging policymakers on key issues that impact their work. 

For most cohort members, building confidence in public speaking and crafting effective messages were challenges to address as they prepared for the advocacy day. Their monthly meetings with mentors—both as individuals and in groups—provided crucial and experienced coaching on how to transform their personal experiences into a unified narrative that underscores the needs, challenges, and importance of FFN child care in California. By the end of the CoP, which was the last session before the advocacy day, members left feeling confident and excited to share what they’ve experienced as FFN caregivers and the support they need to continue providing critical child care.

Early Edge is enthusiastic about the participation of ten passionate and seasoned FFN providers in our initiative to gain profound insights into the unique needs and barriers faced by FFN providers and ultimately amplify their voices throughout California. For further details about this program, please visit the California Leading From Home webpage on the Early Edge website.

The California Leading from Home (LFH) Program, is a 12-month program which seeks to support Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) caregivers in developing their advocacy skills and helps them establish grassroots support networks within their communities. These monthly Community of Practice (CoP) gatherings aim to foster mutual learning and collaboration, empowering these caregivers to elevate their voices and needs within their local communities and across the state. The purpose of LFH is to invest in and empower FFN caregivers, enabling them to inform policymakers about the importance of FFN child care and what is needed to support them in their caregiving. The cohort members also receive a monthly stipend for their participation and commitment to the program.

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