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May 20, 2021
| Early Edge California
2021-2022 California State Budget for Early Learning and Health: May Revise
Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK)
- $2.7B Ongoing Proposition 98 ($900M in 2022-23, growing to $2.7B in 2024-25). Implementation of UTK.
- $740M Ongoing General Fund ($380M in 2022-23, growing to $740M). Provides one additional certificate or classified staff person in each Transitional Kindergarten (TK) classroom.
- $250M One-time Proposition 98. Planning and implementation grants for school districts to prepare for UTK roll out.
- $190M TK infrastructure grants to construct or renovate classrooms for TK expansion.
- $10M One-time General Fund. Funds the Department of Education to update the Preschool Learning Foundations.
Child Care
- $1.3B Maintain current funding for California State Preschool Program.
- $667M 100,000 additional child care slots.
- $579M One-time COVID-19 Response and Relief Appropriation.
- One-time stipend of $3,500 to $6,500 for all providers.
- Per-child stipends for subsidized child care and preschool providers.
- Waive family fees from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
- $25M for the expansion of the California Child Care Initiative Project to increase the number of licensed child care homes.
- $10.6M for early childhood mental health consultation.
- 16 non-operational days for providers accepting vouchers that have to close due to COVID-related reasons.
- Continue hold harmless funding for child care providers that contract directly with the state.
- $250M One-time federal American Rescue Plan. Funds infrastructure for child care facilities, focusing on child care deserts.
- $83M Ongoing Proposition 64. Additional 6,500 new child care slots.
- $20M Multi-year effort to strengthen existing quality improvement supports and systems.
- $10M One-time federal American Rescue Plan. Supports for Resource and Referral Agencies.
TK-12th Grade
- $3B One-time Proposition 98, available over several years. Expands the implementation and use of the community school model.
- $1.1B Ongoing Proposition 98. Increases the LCFF Concentration Grant by 65% to increase the number of certificated and classified staff, including school counselors, nurses, teachers, paraprofessionals, and other student support providers.
- $1B Ongoing Proposition 98. Afterschool and summer school programs for children in school districts serving the highest percentages of low-income students.
- $150M Ongoing Proposition 98. Encourages local educational agencies to participate in one of the federal universal meal provisions.
Whole Child, Whole Family
- $2B One-time federal American Rescue Plan in 2021-22 (assumes $170M ongoing General Fund beginning in 2022-23). Establishes college savings accounts for all current low-income public school students with a $500 initial deposit.
- $1B One-time General Fund. Expands the infrastructure for delivering behavioral health services to children and youth through the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative.
Teacher Preparation
- $100M One-time Proposition 98. Supports more than 5,000 classified school staff in becoming credentialed teachers through the Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program.
- $70.1M $65.5M one-time Proposition 98 and $45.6M one-time General Fund. Establishes the Roadmap to Pre-K through 12 Educational Employment Program to recruit and develop a diverse and talented educational workforce.
- $50M Ongoing Proposition 98. Expands vocational training opportunities and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs for ESL students at community colleges.
- $20M One-time General Fund. Provides a credential fee waiver in 2021-22 for individuals entering the K-12 educator workforce.
- $10M One-time Proposition 98. Pilot implementation of competency-based education at select community colleges.
Special Education
- $1.2M Federal IDEA funds ($1.1 million one-time). Funding and one position to increase access to more inclusive settings for three-, four-, and five-year-olds.
- $300M Ongoing Proposition 98. Maintains January Budget proposal for the Special Early Intervention Grant.
- $10.9M $10.4M General Fund. Funding and 79 positions to provide adequate infrastructure to support the child care system, program enhancements, and to develop a whole-child/whole-family approach to child care integration and data development.
- $6M Offer Direct Deposit to child care contractors.
- $4.8M One-time General Fund. Supports planning and initial implementation for the design of a child care data system.
- Funding shift Shifts $31.7M and 185.7 positions from the California Department of Education to the California Department of Social Services to administer child care and nutrition programs.
Infant and Maternal Health
- $90.5M $90.5 M ($45.3 from General Fund) in 2021-2022 and $362.2M ($181.1 M from General Fund) annually between 2022-23 and 2027-28. Five-Year Medi-Cal Eligibility Extension for Postpartum Individuals.
- $403K $152,000 General Fund in 2021-22 and approximately $4.4 million ($1.7 million General Fund) annually at full implementation. Adds doula services as a covered benefit in the Medi-Cal program, effective January 1, 2022.